Drake Got A Hit On Steph Curry's Head During The NBA Finals Game 1 Between Toronto Raptors And The Golden State
Written by: @boytraore224
One of the most streamed artistes on earth, the candian rapper Drake got a hit on one of the best three points shooters in the world head the Golden State point guard Step Curry during the NBA finals game 1 in Toronto.
No one knows how all started between these two gentlemen on the side line, but you can see in a video shared by Drake on his IG talking with Steph in a battle way and taking something from Steph's head and he captioned the video like this:
"Steph Curry hair lint for sale on my eBay right now!!! username: DraymondShouldntWear23"
The game which finished in favor of Toronto raptors 118 to 109
Video here: