Okyeame Kwame's 10 Practical Reasons A Couple Should Avoid Sex Before Marriage.
Written by: @MrTraore224
Ghanaian rap doctor Okyeame Kwame who is married to his wife for 12 years and have 2 kids to gether a boy and a girl.
To educate people how his marriage life have been so lovely and peaceful, the Yee Ko hit song father got 10 practical reason to share on his IG which are:
1. Sex before marriage clouds their judgement on
important decisions, especially when there are red
flags in the relationship that need attention
2. Waiting until marriage preserves the sacredness of
sex between the couple
3. Not giving in to their desires teaches the couple self-
control, which also helps them avoid the urge to
cheat with others
4. Avoiding sex saves either party from “feeling used”
should the other call it quits
5. An unplanned pregnancy and/or STD, which can
cripple an otherwise healthy relationship, will not be
an issue
6. Avoiding sex helps them focus on building the
emotional, psychological and spiritual aspects of the
7. Should a break-up become necessary, soul-tie
consequences will most likely be avoided
8. Neither party would have to live with sexual guilt or
unnecessary awkwardness
9. Avoiding sex before marriage keeps the couple
focused on their marriage plans
10. The discipline and self-control to avoid sex before
marriage builds trust for when they are married.
What is your thought on these 10 reasons?
See his post below