''We Need More Investments'', Kurl Songx Blew The Horn
As the Ghanaian music industry is getting more competitive and more exportable, and is estimated as a multi millions dollars industry, it seems that, now the industry does not make much favor for the up coming artists.
Few month ago the prince of the Ghanaian rap Teephlow took his pen and paper to shout out by writing a song called ‘’State of Art’’ in which he describes how some artists are maltreated by the mess within the industry, especially the up coming ones, he even stated in the same song that some of them do only music for their living.

Now it’s Mr. Jennifer Lomotey AkA Kurl Songx, who blew the same horn in a brief interview on Tv3 Midday Live, Sunday 20th May 2018 calling for more investments,
This is what he said.
“We need more investments to shoot quality videos to much up with Nigeria, that’s what Nigerians are doing”.
These are the words of the Mtn Hitmaker winner, and we hope that, these words gonna land in the good ears, so the Gh music can cross more bridges to the African and global market.
Even though the industry has two (2) BET Awards, and constant nominations for the past four years, this year no Ghanaian musician made it to the BET 2018.